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This is a two sided document - One side is English language and the other side is Spanish language
• If possible, always use a new, never used syringe* and never share drug injection equipment—for example, cookers.
• A disinfected syringe is not as good as a new, clean syringe, but it can greatly reduce your risk for HIV and viral hepatitis.
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• Si es posible, use siempre una jeringa* nueva y limpia, y no comparta nunca ningún implemento de inyección de drogas, por ejemplo, las cocinas.
• Una jeringa desinfectada no es tan buena como una jeringa nueva y limpia, pero puede reducir significativamente su riesgo de contraer el VIH y hepatitis virales
This project is funded under a grant contract with the state of
Tennessee, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services