Membership in TAADAS is more than a purchase of services.
It is an investment in a philosophy - in a cause.
It is a shared belief that alcohol and drug abuse are treatable and preventable, that the availability of quality treatment and prevention services to all Tennessee citizens is important, and that by joining together, we can do more than we can do individually.
Membership in TAADAS is open to any person or organization that supports this mission.
To learn more about membership, contact Tanner at
Please contact Tanner at for more information.
Members in good standing shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges:
The right to vote on any issues brought to the Membership by the Executive Committee as well as issues brought directly to the Membership.
Your membership dollars support an effective, comprehensive lobbying and advocacy plan that is developed by the TAADAS membership each year. This plan includes the retention of a registered lobbyist to implement our advocacy goals.
This project is funded under a grant contract with the state of
Tennessee, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services