Federal parity laws require equitable coverage of substance use disorder and mental health benefits in both the public and private health insurance markets.
Parity in health insurance coverage means that treatment and services for behavioral health conditions are covered equally or “on par” with those for medical health conditions.
Congress passed the first parity law in 2008 mandating equal coverage for mental health and substance use disorders.
Coverage must be “on par” in the following areas:
Hospital stays, admissions to residential treatment centers, emergency/ crisis care;
Treatment limits;
Insurer protocols for prior approval of services and clinical standards used to approve or deny care;
Prescription drugs;
In-network and out-of-network coverage;
Co-pays, deductibles, co-insurance, and other out-of-pocket costs.
Insurers who must comply are:
Large group health plans with more than 50 employees;
Plans in the individual and small group markets;
Medicaid (TennCare) managed care plans that offer coverage for mental health and/or substance use disorder benefits;
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP);
Short-term health plans;
Medicaid Alternative Benefit Plans, including those provided to the Medicaid expansion population (does not apply in Tennessee).
Does not require insurers to provide mental health or addiction benefits, but if they do, treatment limits and out-of-pocket costs must be at the same level as medical or surgical care.
Passed by Congress, this act made mental health and substance use disorder benefits among the 10 “essential health benefits” offered by individual plans, small employer fully insured plans, and insurers who offer health plans on the Health Insurance Marketplace (Healthcare.gov). The act also requires these insurers to follow parity laws.
This act passed by Congress requires federal regulators to issue guidance clarifying issues about areas of the Federal Parity Law that are unclear to consumers, advocates, and insurers – such as examples of parity non-compliance, how to determine the medical necessity of treatment, etc.
Passed by Tennessee lawmakers, this bill aligns state law with the Federal Parity Law and requires the state Department of Commerce & Insurance to issue a report to lawmakers on its efforts to enforce parity laws.
Congress passed this act amending the Federal Parity Law. Insurers and health plans are required to prove that they comply with the existing parts of the law, file annual reports, and give that proof to regulators upon request.
Building on the Consolidated Appropriations Act, lawmakers in Tennessee passed legislation requiring the state Department of Commerce & Insurance to obtain reports filed with federal regulators by Tennessee health plans and provide them annually to the Tennessee Legislature.
Consumers in Tennessee will now be able to see how well their plan complies with federal parity law.
Health plans must provide information about mental health and addiction benefits it offers, including proof that they comply with the law. Health plan members and their providers may request information that may show whether a plan is discriminating in its coverage.
If a health plan denies a claim, plan members have a right to appeal the denied claim. For information about how to contact a health plan/ insurance company and for pursuing an appeal visit: www.tnparityproject.org
If you believe your health plans has improperly denied coverage or established unreasonable barriers for mental health and addiction services, you can act by filing an appeal or lodging a complaint.
Contact your health plan’s consumer or policyholder assistance office. The information should be available on your policy coverage documents.
File a complaint with the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance
File a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor/Employee Benefits Security Administration
File a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
The Tennessee Parity Project is a coalition of behavioral health advocates, providers, and those with lived experience working to make sure that Tennesseans’ rights to non-discriminatory health insurance coverage under federal and state parity laws are protected. Launched by NAMI Tennessee with support from The Healing Trust, the Project is dedicated to advocating for and educating Tennesseans of their rights to access mental health and addiction services.
This project is funded under a grant contract with the state of
Tennessee, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services