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This is a two sided document - One side is English language and the other side is Spanish language
Get tested at least once or more often
• If you engage in behaviors that may if you have certain risk factors.
• Use condoms the right way every prophylaxis (PrEP) is right for you.
Click Here to Download for Free
• Hágase la prueba al menos una vez o con más frecuencia
• Si tiene comportamientos que pueden aumentar si tiene ciertos factores de riesgo.
• Use condones de la manera pregúntele a su proveedor de atención correcta cada vez que tenga médica si la profilaxis preexposicíon relaciones sexuales anales (PrEP) es adecuada para usted.
This project is funded under a grant contract with the state of
Tennessee, Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services